Membership Program


Membership Levels

Become a part of our mission to protect and preserve our coastal waters and marine life. Each membership level offers unique ways to contribute to our cause and make a lasting impact:

The Wave Starter

Begin your journey with us: Buy 5 buckets of trash (equals 50 lbs of trash). Your contribution will directly fund essential supplies and equipment, enabling us to continue our mission of keeping our beaches clean.
$ 25
  • Access Insights Into Our Environmental Initiatives
  • Join A Marine Life Advocate Community

The Tide Turner

Join our community with this foundational level, which aids in sustaining our daily operations and ongoing outreach efforts. Your support funds trash pickup supplies and resources for volunteers.
$ 50
  • Increase the Volume of Trash Picked Up Across the Gulf Coast
  • Step Into A Dedicated Role As A Marine Conservationist

The Eco Educator

Amplify our educational outreach. Your contribution empowers Eco Clean Marine’s programs, developing and delivering engaging content to foster environmental awareness.
$ 100
  • Inspire Others With Your Commitment to Conscious Environmentalism
  • Fund Webinars, Workshops, and Other Resources for All Ages

The Sustainability Patron

Focus on local impact by sponsoring a specific cleanup effort. This level addresses marine pollution concerns identified by community members, directly contributing to cleaner local waterways.
$ 250
  • Be at the Forefront of Local Environmental Action
  • Adopt and Help Organize a Cleanup Event

The Conservation Champion

Support hands-on environmental experiences. This donation enables us to organize interactive events for youth and community members, deepening their appreciation and connection to the marine environment.
$ 500
  • Accelerate Our Impact by Empowering Conservation Leaders Across the Map
  • Build Our Network: From the Gulf Coast To The World

The Coastal Guardian

Our most impactful tier, which covers everything above, enables us to tackle critical, often neglected areas. Your support funds extensive clean-up operations in hard-to-reach locations and expands our outreach.
$ 1,000
  • Become a Major Force For Change
  • Receive Recognition at Our Cleanup Events